Why Gomaid Agency ?

Kenapa Memilih Kami ?


Penyaringan awal semua kandidat dan menyimpan semua identitas dokumen di awal.


Transparency in hiring process

Pengalaman Kami

Sukses mencocokan lebih dari 30,000

Customer Feedback

Maria Yuniar


I've recruited maids from Gomaid twice.

The workers are diligent, obidient and easy to adapt with new working employers, environment, and tasks.

They always try their best in working for me.

Suthashini Sivaanand


Gomaid agency doing amazing job in Indonesia, The staffs which I getting from their company are trustable and good their service.

We can hire for daily basis with cheap rate. Polite and caring reply whenever I call them.

Wonderful service Thanks Gomaid

Ben Moris


We get Nanny, she very warm and friendly and engagend my son straight away, made sure he was fed, washed and in bed.
Very good service

Proses rekrut pekerja dan penyaluran pekerja

1.Pengecekan Dokumen (KTP/Catatan Kriminal)
2.Pengecekan latarbelakang melalui interview tatap muka (Riwayat kerja / Pekerjaan yang dicari/ Pengecekan Surat Referensi)
Screen the job tasks
3.Seleksi tugas kerja / penjelasan tata cara kerja dasar
4.Mengatur interview
Complete Registration
5.Jika user cocok maka akan mulai kerja dan dibuatkan perjanjian kerja, proses pengambilan tenaga kerja selesai.
Complete Registration
6.Terimakasih telah menggunakan jasa Gomaid Agency

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